Saturday, November 4, 2017

Varied Activities

Casual Week....
Our administrative class did final presentations and we have loved these teachers!  

Thursday was a devotional in which Level 13 students (Seniors) bade farewell and all Seminary students were presented their certificates for the year.  Basically, this meant each student received a certificate as Seminary is a required course at Vaiola College.

This shows the covered walkways needed in Samoan rains.

Friday morning was our early 6:30 a.m. faculty meeting.  Ron was privileged to present one of our students his ITEP Teaching Certificate.  This was accomplished after he had completed nine ITEP BYU-Hawaii courses and his student teaching.

Early Saturday afternoon we attended a baptism of one of the dorm girls; she is a sweetheart. The dorm boys and girls were there in full support of her.

Afterwards we met Elder & Sister Pitcher (mission dentist and his wife) who had ferried over and we oriented them to the facility layout in preparation of their student dental check ups next May.  We ran into other visitors from Preston, Idaho.  It is always fun to meet new folks.  They had already climbed the Vaiola steps!


Saturday evening we had dinner at the Amoa Resort with Elder and Sister Pitcher.  It was Mongolian Beef Buffet. Food was individually pan fried.

Amoa Resort Restaurant

Below are a few miscellaneous pictures:

Fresh Mussel Clam 2' across for sale at a roadside stand.

Boys hanging out after school; the one boy is weaving a basket.

This link came to us from another missionary couple.  Thought it might be an interesting read about a recent missionary's experience in Samoa.

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