Saturday, May 5, 2018

Speech Judging

Among our activities this week, aside from our ITEP classes, we were invited to judge the Primary School Level Six (5th grade) impromptu speeches along with Principal Jeany Obley.  We used a rubric to judge introduction, topic, supporting details, clarity, voice, and conclusion.  They drew their topics which included such things as my parents, my hero, why I like to go to church, favorite sport,  my birthday, favorite food, my mom, etc.  Judges awarded 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and two 5th place winners.  It was fun.  We will do this weekly all month for each grade level.  After the speech event, the Level Six students performed an "item", otherwise called an entertainment number. (see the video clip below)

The Level 6 teacher is in the background.  Leis are typical for special occasions.

Winners:  5th to 1st are left to right

Friday we had our 6:30 a.m. faculty meeting and Ron gave an impromptu preview for the in-service we present on May 18th (using SOLO Taxonomy, for you educators).  The Area directors are making it one of their objectives for encouraging deeper thinking.

Of course, Friday evening was movie night and we showed Wonder again, only to the dorm girls this time.  Saturday we enjoyed a quiet dinner at the Savaiian.

Yay, they white washed the "Vaiola" lettering on the hill this week.

1 comment:

  1. You both look so happy. What a great service you are doing!
